But yeah I've done College, tried Uni, but couldn't afford it anymore so now just working silly hours in the morning.
I'm an anime fan, and a gamer, a computer addict, basicly a geek and proud to be one as its who I am and it best fits me as a single word description, I know its not good to use that word, but I couldn't really care less as I'm me and for the most part I enjoy being me and I don't want to be normal cause I find the idea of normal to be weird and anyone calling themselves that to be more insane then I am.
Best way to find out what I'm like to to talk to me for awhile.
Do chat to me on here before asking for msn/facebook.
For the Unique to this site bit, I've got a large collection of mangas, also at the time of writing just bought £150 worth of anime/manga related material, been trying to learn Japanese just so I can watch/read series as they come out in Japan

Not sure what else to write, but feel free to message me.