I've been into manga/anime/Japanese culture forever it seems! I'm also huge into the conventions/cosplay scene, so if you're in Massachusetts, come hang out with me at Anime Boston!
My all time favorite is Sailor Moon...this is what got me into anime/manga (not counting Pokemon or My Neighbor Totoro). I have seen every episode, every movie, read all the manga, and own a little cel from the show (they are EXPENSIVE!)
I love shoujo, horror, comedy, anything fun. I don't really like strictly fighting stories...Naruto bores the CRAP out of me...sorry.
FUN FACTS: I was part of the test audience for the Inu Yasha anime and I used to work at Suncoast before FYE bought us out

Besides that stuff, I'm currently a double major in English and Communication Arts...which means TWO cardboard boxes for me instead of just one! My spiritual beliefs and feelings on people are more pronounced in my Native profile, which you can access below ^^
I love meeting people who have the same interests and beliefs as I do...if something romantic came from that, I would not be opposed, as I see friendship as the best starting point for a relationship. I do want to stress however that I am a very firm believer in no smoking, no drugs (unless perscription...I'm stuck with those forever for a thyroid condition...whee, fun times), and no drunkenness when it would come to such a partner (drinking is fine/drunkenness is not). I find it a disrespect to the human body and spirit. Friendship with a person who does such things is a different story, although there would be some strain in it.
I swear I can be a fun person, even if I come off sounding stern in type _ I lovelovelove video games and can spend all day in the arcade playing skeeball and ddr. However, if I run out of quarters...NO MORE. It's a problem ^^0