Manga Groups
1922 membersA group for people looking for stories with exciting action and thrilling adventures. A place to find manga with plenty of action-packed scenes, daring heroes and heroines, and powerful villains.
150 membersA group for manga fans interested in stories about business, finance, and the entrepreneurial spirit. A place to discuss the ups and downs of the corporate world, and to follow the journey of people trying to make it in the business world.
1632 membersA group for those who enjoy manga with plenty of laughs. A place to find stories that bring humor and lightheartedness to the world of manga.
2 membersA group for manga fans who appreciate stories that tug at the heartstrings. A place to discuss manga that has plenty of emotional moments and stories that are full of conflicts and resolutions.
1854 membersA group for manga fans who love stories about magical creatures and mythical worlds. A place to discuss manga with epic battles, daring adventures, and complex characters.
515 membersA group for manga fans who appreciate stories set in the past. A place to find manga that focus on events, cultures, and people from the past.
1034 membersA group for manga fans who enjoy stories that make them scream. A place to discuss manga that have plenty of scares, suspenseful moments, and shocking twists.
Martial Arts
2 membersA group for manga fans who enjoy stories about martial arts and hand-to-hand combat. A place to find manga with action-packed fights, intense training, and powerful opponents.
1006 membersA group for manga fans who like stories with plenty of suspense and intrigue. A place to discuss manga with complex puzzles, unexpected twists, and thrilling conclusions.
3 membersA group for manga fans who appreciate stories that explore the inner workings of the mind. A place to find manga that delve into the depths of the human psyche, and stories that explore the motivations and emotions of characters.
1197 membersA group for manga fans who enjoy stories with plenty of romantic moments. A place to discuss manga with swoon-worthy moments, unexpected love stories, and heartwarming relationships.
Science Fiction
1467 membersA group for manga fans who appreciate stories about futuristic worlds and technology. A place to find manga with robots, aliens, and other creatures from outer space, as well as stories set in alternate realities.
2 membersA group for manga fans who enjoy stories targeted towards teenage boys. A place to discuss manga with plenty of action, adventure, and comedy.
Slice of Life
1 memberA group for manga fans who appreciate stories about everyday life. A place to find manga with relatable characters, and stories that focus on the mundane moments of life.
170 membersA group for manga fans who enjoy stories about sports. A place to discuss manga with gripping rivalries, intense training, and thrilling competitions.
0 membersA group for manga fans who appreciate stories with plenty of supernatural elements. A place to find manga with creatures from mythology, mysterious powers, and magical worlds.
0 membersA group for manga fans who like stories with plenty of suspense and tension. A place to discuss manga with unexpected plot twists, intense moments, and chilling climaxes.
0 membersA group for manga fans who appreciate stories with heartbreaking moments. A place to find manga with stories of loss, heartache, and despair.
0 membersA group for manga fans who enjoy stories about vampires. A place to discuss manga with blood-sucking creatures, powerful clans, and stories of love and betrayal.
1 memberA group for manga fans who enjoy stories with same-sex relationships. A place to find manga with passionate moments, complex characters, and plenty of romance.
Attend Manga Conventions
0 membersA group for manga fans who love to attend conventions. A place to discuss upcoming manga conventions and share stories about past experiences.
Manga Collectors
0 membersA group for manga fans who love to collect manga. A place to discuss the best places to find rare manga, and to share stories about their collections.
Manga Discussions
0 membersA group for manga fans who love to discuss their favorite manga. A place to debate about plot points, discuss characters, and share opinions about manga.
Seeking Manga Recommendations
1 memberA group for manga fans who are looking for new manga to read. A place to find recommendations from other manga fans, and to share their own recommendations.
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